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About me


My name is Pei-Chen CHAN. I grew up in Taiwan and have been living in Berlin for about two decades.

I graduated from the Soochow University in Taiwan with a Bachlor’s degree in English Language and Literature. Afterwards I acquired a Master's degree in German as a Foreign Language at the Technical University of Berlin.

Professional experience

I have been working as a freelance translator for around 10 years. The focus of my work lies on technical publications, which I translate from German or English into my native language - Chinese (Mandarin).

I’ve worked on various projects for German, Austrian, and Swiss manufacturers and suppliers, especially websites, magazines, catalogs, and manuals. Aside from that, two-wheelers and railed vehicles plus their components fall under my scope of work as well.

I also have comprehensive experience with publications in other technical areas. Here I primarily carry out translations for manufacturers and suppliers of facilities for the production of renewable energies.